FAQs on Brand Vs Generic Medications :

Today, most drug classes offer several options. Some are higher-cost brand-name drugs and others are lower-cost generic options. Choosing a generic medicine can save you money each time you fill your prescription while still safely and effectively treating your condition. To learn more about generics, please read through these frequently asked questions below.

What are Branded and Generic Drugs ?
The actual medicinal content is the same, the difference lies only in the marketing name !

An International Brand Medicine is the innovator drug which has been developed by its manufacturing pharmaceutical company. An Innovator company in order to develop a new drug spends a big amount of money on its R&D and then has to get its product pass certain Clinical and Non-Clinical tests and studies. These studies are required by the FDA to ensure that the drug is effective in treating a specific Disease condition and is also safe for human use. On account of the First Time development made by the Innovator company, they enjoy certain Patent rights for a certain period during which they not only recover the Drug Development costs of the product but are also able to earn huge profits on their product manufacturing costs.


Generic Medicines, on the other hand, are made after the expiry of the Patent period or as per the laws of the manufacturing country, it may be made by other manufacturers even before that as a Generic of the original branded product – by conducting

Why to buy Generic Drugs and Medicines ?
The world recognizes the Benefits for a switchover from Brand Names !

Generic Drugs and Medicines , in current times, have the maximum demand for Disease treatment.

Very simply, Generic Drugs are medicines containing exactly the same API - Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (the medicinal raw material which acts as a cure for the disease condition it is prescribed to treat).

The Generic medicines use the same quantity of the API as a Branded Drug , to be sold as a similar finished form medicine.

In some cases, the Generic Drugs manufacturer do further research to develop dosage strengths and forms additional to the Branded Drugs and may contain different inactive raw materials (ingredients that effect the drugs taste, colour, shape , smell, etc, but on their own do not have any effect as the main APIs curing effect) compared with their branded counterparts. International Brand names being under a Copyright protection, the Generic

Drugs are sold under a different Marketing Brand Name and should therefore not be confused as a ‘counterfeit medicines’, which sadly is the ill motivated propaganda of the Branded Drug Manufacturers to maintain their turf of sales and profits.

The volume of Generic Medicines being sold internationally is having an increasing Year on Year sales as the consumer patients have realized their treatment value as being similar to any Branded medicine. The trend is supported by many countries governments who have started to implement policies to encourage the use of Generic Medicines as they have the same treatment results yet are cheaper than the comparative brand-name medicines

The switch to and the widespread use of Generic Medicines thus has visible and measureable cost benefits and curing results for the patient consumers.

How to identify a Generic Drug for any Branded Drug ?
Easy, just see and compare the LABEL CLAIM on the strip or carton !

Though the Generic Drugs are sold under a different brand name than the Branded Drugs, the brand names have no value other than a Marketing tool as an identification of the manufacturer’s product.

The main point of relevance to determine the Generic Drugs similarity to the Branded Medicine is to see the Label Details which are statutorily required to be mentioned below the Brand Name - the name and quantity of the active ingredient put in the drug product.

In the case of a branded medicine and its generic version, the label may have a different brand name but will have the same active ingredient. With a comparable quality yet a price edge over the Brand Drug, the Generic Medicine may also be available in other lower or higher strengths and dosage forms than the innovator Brand to fulfill the identified needs of the Medical fraternity.

How is the Curing Value of a Generic Drug identified ?
The Generic Manufacturers conduct a THERAPEUTIC BIOEQUIVALENCE for that !

The Drugs Regulatory Authorities of the countries ( in which are dispensing International Wholesale Pharmacies are located ) give the approval for manufacturing a Generic Drug only after they are satisfied that the Generic Medicine is bioequivalent to a Branded Medicine.

In order to do so, the pharmaceutical manufacturing company of the Generic Drug conducts stringent scientific studies (called BioEquivalence / BioAvailability Studies ) on Human Volunteers to test that the medicines have similar biological values like Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism And Excretion.

The Drug Regulator of these countries ( similar to our US Federal Drugs Authority ) allows the Generic Manufacturer company to produce and market its Generic Medicine only after it has conducted BE/BA studies which successfully prove the medicines efficacy as being similar to the compared Brand medicine i.e. its overall bioavailability and effectiveness in treating the disease condition is as intended

The BE / BA Study reports are exhaustive documents which are kept in the possession of the permitting Drugs Authority , as a documented record of the Efficacy ( Curing Value ) of the approved medicine.

How is a Bioequivalence Study conducted ?
It’s a Clinical Testing, conducted on Humans BEFORE THE COMMERCIAL INTAKE BY HUMANS !

BE / BA studies are conducted on 20, 40 or more of healthy human volunteers ( numbers may vary as per the Drug / Drug Authorities needs) , the objective being to assess the bioequivalence of Generic Medicine with the Branded Medicine.

Each Human Volunteer is given a dose of the brand drug and a dose of the generic drug, on separate predetermined time gaps which ensure that a sufficient time is there between the two medicines intake so that the first medicines active ingredient does not remain in the bloodstream before the second medicine is taken.

The dosage strength ( the quantity of the active ingredient ) for both the medicines is kept the same because the Generic Medicine must show the same result as the Branded Medicine. The two medicines are considered Bioequivalent only when the results of bioequivalence testing are statistically within a set value range in terms of peak plasma concentration and time to reach peak plasma concentration.

What are the Advantages of buying a Generic Drug ?
The Equal Benefits at Lower Costs , this says it all !

The major advantage of a Generic Medicine use by a Patient or the immediate family is the SIMILAR TREATMENT EFFECT AT A BIG COST BENEFIT.

Generic Drug manufacturers do not have to bear the initial exploratory R&D costs and just have to follow a set formula of Branded Drug discovery and procedure; and so it is often a cheaper option for the patient. As the Branded Drugs are generally very high price medicines, this cost advantage helps the patent's ability to strictly follow the dosage quantity and multiple long duration schedules prescribed by the doctor.

Disease is a critical disease and not complying to the prescribed dosage can have negative health effects and the drug will not show the intended treatment as well as it should. Having equivalent quality of the branded drug at cheaper medication costs helps to save huge amounts of money and makes it financially feasible to continue the Medicines for the whole duration of the prescribed treatment.

How to buy a Generic Drug ?
BUY ONLINE at GenuineDrugs123.com !

The cost advantage and the quality equivalence with the Branded Drugs being acknowledged, all countries allow their citizens to import certain quantities of their Medicine needs ( generally for a 3 month dosage requirement ).

The import need may arise because the Generic version of the Branded Drug may not yet be available in that country and it is not easy to find a source which can sell them the Generic Equivalent of the prescribed Branded Drug.

GenuineDrugs123.com stands tall and proud above all the sellers of Generic Drugs ; our Indenting Sales is not just a Business for us , it is also a redemption of the Social Service Goals we have set for ourselves.

We are the first and foremost identified online source of Generic Drugs indent selling to patients around the world , facilitating for them a Direct buying from Licensed International Wholesale Pharmacies and a resultant Big Savings on medicinal expenses !

How can we know that the medicine sold by you are authentic?
The first and the most basic check is to see if the seller of the drugs has displayed their physical address or is hiding behind some "fill-up-a-form-contact-us" curtain. Normal logic says that if they are hiding their address they have much to hide about their drugs too – Genuine or Fake is your decision.

Secondly, the FDA - The Food and Drug Administration – of almost all the countries require the FDA License Number, the batch number, expiry date and manufacturer's address to be printed on both the primary drug pack as well as the secondary outer package. Check if all these details are mentioned on the drug packs as this is by far the best check to know if the drug is authentic, as authorized for manufacture by that FDA, or is illegal or fake.

Lastly, visual inspection as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) (1999) is also a good benchmark in identifying potential fake drug irrespective of the analytical methods used. This is because such observation serves as a lead to identifying fake products even in the absence of the knowledge of the physical characteristics of a genuine drug product.
As stated by WHO, commonly encountered physical defects that should be looked out for in tablets include:

a. Excessive powder and/or pieces of tablets at the bottom of the container (from abraded, crushed or broken tablets);
b. Cracks or chips in the tablets, swelling, mottling, discolouration, fusion of tablets;
c. Appearance of crystal on the walls of the container or on the tablet.
d. Hardening or softening, cracking, swelling, mottling or discolouration of capsule shell should also be looked out for.

These are some of the factors which should satisfy you on all our drugs being authentic. Your trust in us to make the first purchase will practically prove that we source and deliver only authentic drugs from licensed international pharmacies and manufacturers located in Australia, EU, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and many reputable countries.


Brand vs Generic-Drugs Information

Brand & Generic Drugs List :

The list of all Generic Drugs available for sale online may be seen by clicking on any of the letters below :

The list of all Brand Drugs and / or their Generic Equivalents available for sale online may be seen by clicking on any of the letters below :