How to save money on pitavastatin livalo

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How to save money on pitavastatin livalo

What do you mean by Pitavastatin Livalo?
Pitavastatin is classified as an associate of the blood cholesterol lowering medication cluster of statins. This medicine is a hindrant of HMG-CoA reductase like other statins, the enzyme that is responsible for catalysing the primary step of synthesis of cholesterol. It was granted patent rights in the year 1987 and in the year 2003 received final approval for human use.

Why is Pitavastatin Livalo prescribed?
Pitavastatin along with the combination of an appropriate diet plan is prescribed for helping in reducing the levels of "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and increase the levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.

Which is the suitable time to take Pitavastatin?
This medicine can be taken at any time of the day either with food or without food. It is not advisable to drink a huge amount of alcohol while under the treatment of Pitavastatin.

Which patients should not take Pitavastatin Livalo?
Patients having the following conditions should restrict themselves for taking this medicine-
•Have any allergy to Pitavastatin
•Disease of the liver (which will include considerably abnormal liver enzyme tests)
•Female who are pregnant or breastfeeding
•Under the treatment of cyclosporine

What are the side effects of Livalo that a patient may experience commonly?
A patient while under the treatment of Livalo may experience certain side effects that may include the following:
Pain in the muscle
Pain in the back
Pain in the joint
Aching legs and arms
Frequent passing of watery stool
Difficulty in passing stool
Rash in the skin
Pain in the head

Is there Generic Pitavastatin available?
Yes, you can get Gneric pitavastatin of the brand Livalo medicine.

Why Generic -

How to purchase Livalo?
If you want to purchase Livalo Medication online then click on ( and order your medicine from a global online medical store and save up to 16% on the price of this medication.

What will be the monthly cost of Livalo?
One can purchase brand LIVALO / Generic Pitavastatin @ cheapest Cost as - 1 mg @ $0.46 | 2 mg @ $0.74 | 4 mg @ $0.74 per tablet online by using this link -

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