Brigatinib / Alunbrig is a cancer medication belonging to the class of anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitor or ALK. It has been proven to be efficient in treating non-small cell lung cancer or NSCLC that is ALK positive.
The ALK gene occurs in only 3-5 % of the patients of NSCLC. Crizotinib (also a first generation ALK inhibitor) showed a longer progression-free survival when compared to platinum based double agent chemotherapy medication.
However, disease progression in the central nervous system in the patients being treated with crizotinib is common as a result of its poor brain penetration. Other progressions in patients being treated with crizotinib occur because of ALK mutations which can be detected in nearly only 1 out of 5 cases.
How does Brigatinib work?
Brigatinib / Alunbrig by Ariad Pharmaceuticals is the next generation ALK inhibitor. It works by targeting ALK mutations. It is the only form of ALK inhibitor that works in the cell lines of mutated genes encoded with epidermal growth factor receptor or EGFR.
Daily doses of brigatinib are prescribed to prevent the risk of an early onset of pulmonary events.
The median progression free rates of brigatinib have found to be higher than in other next-generation ALK inhibitors such as ceritinib, alectinib, lorlatinib and ensartinib.
However, the efficacy of Brigatinib / Alunbrig when compared to another cancer medication known as crizotinib in the treatment of advanced ALK positive non-small cell lung cancer is not known.
Brigatinib / Alunbrig cost information
The efficacy of Brigatinib Vs Crizotinib
In a clinical study by New England Journal of Medicine, 275 patients diagnosed with advanced ALK-positive NSCLC who also never received ALK inhibitors previously were assigned into 2 groups on a random basis.
137 patients were treated with daily 180 mg doses of brigatinib tablets (including a 7 day lead-in period at 90 mg dosage), while the remaining 138 patients were treated with 2 daily 250 mg doses of crizotinib capsules.
The primary focus of this clinical trial was to determine the progression-free survival in patients being treated with either brigatinib or crizotinib. Some other factors to focus on were the intracranial response and objective response rate. The first interim analysis was planned to be conducted when about half of the 198 expected events of disease progression or even death had occurred.
The results of the first interim analysis (at 99 events) were:
• Median follow up for patients treated with brigatinib was 11 months and 9.3 months in case of crizotinib
• The 12 months progression free survival of patients treated with brigatinib was higher than in patients treated with crizotininb
• Confirmed objective response rates were Brigatinib: 71% and Crizotinib: 6-%
• Confirmed rate of intracranial response in patients with measurable lesions was Brigatinib: 78% and Crizotinib: 29%
In the group of patients with advanced ALK positive NSCLC who didn't receive ALK inhibitors prior to the study. It was found that the progression free survival of patients treated with brigatinib was significantly longer when compared to the patients treated with crizotinib.
Brigatinib / Alunbrig Side Effects
Some Brigatinb side effects include:
• Pain in abdomen, joints, chest and/or back
• Continuous coughing
• Loss of appetite
• Dizziness and/or confusion
• Nausea and/or vomiting
• Muscle weakness
• Difficulty in breathing
• Sore throat
• Inconsistent heartbeats
• Skin rash
• Thickened bronchial secretions
Some of the more common side effects include:
• Decrease in appetite
• Diarrhea
• Difficulty in sleeping
• Blurry vision
• Difficulty in having bowel movements
Brigatinib price information
The information provided on the page is meant for the purpose of being helpful and educational. It should not be considered as medical advice.
Brigatinib, alunbrig, alunbrig cost, brigatinib price, brigatinib side effects, brigatinib tablets, brigatinib lung cancer, brigatinib clinical trials