Breast Cancer Medication Palbociclib may be highly effective against some forms of Pancreatic Cancer

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Breast Cancer Medication Palbociclib may be highly effective against some forms of Pancreatic Cancer

Palbociclib (brand Ibrance/Palpbace) is medication approved by the FDA and other regulatory bodies in different countries for treating breast cancers that are HER2-negative or ER-positive.

However, Australian researches have theorized that Palbociclib / Ibrance/ Palpbace may also be highly effective in the treatment of certain kinds of pancreatic cancer.

Currently, the 5-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer patients is only 7%. This is because most forms of pancreatic cancers are generally found after it has already spread to other parts of the body. As such treatment of pancreatic cancer becomes more complex and challenging.

Palbociclib has already been proven to significantly extend the lives of mice in case of the common forms of pancreatic cancer.

Garvan Institute of Medical Research commenced a clinical trial to study the effects of Palbociclib in treating pancreatic cancer. The main focus of the study was to identify the patients that were most responsive to this medication.

The first step of the study was to examine 550+ tumour biopsies in the pancreatic cancer patients selected.

In nearly 67% of the patients, they observed an active Cdk4/6 pathway which may be the cause of the unchecked growth of the cancer cells.

With this revelation, Palbociclib was used on mice with Cdk4/6 pathway active pancreatic cancer. It was found that the mice treated with this medication lived an average of 100 days more than mice that were treated with chemotherapy. The remaining mice that were treated with both Palbociclib and chemotherapy showed the best results.

It was then theorized that the use of Palbociclib in human patients of Cdk4/6 pathway active pancreatic cancer could increase the survival time by years.

Palbociclib cost information

Palbociclib Mechanism of Action

Palbociclib medication works in treating Cdk4/6 pathway activated pancreatic cancer by switching off the Cdk4/6 protein. As such, this medication may inhibit the growth of the types of pancreatic cancers in which this pathway is "on".

The presence of RB protein was also found which enables a simple test to indicate whether the pancreatic cancer is Cdk4/6 pathway related.

Researchers also indicate that Palbociclib could block the spread of the tumour to nearby tissues.

As the Palbociclib medication enters the bloodstream, the cancer cells face physical pressures. Treatment with Palbociclib causes the RB protein dependent tumour cells to become very susceptible to physical pressures or stress. This impacts their survival and spread to nearby tissues.

The potentiality of Palbociclib / Ibrance/ Palpbace as a therapy medication for treatment of pancreatic cancer is still under observation.

Palbociclib / Ibrance side effects

Some Palbociclib side effects include:

• Low count of white blood cells, signs: pain when swallowing, difficulty in breathing, coughing, skin sores, mouth sores, swelled gums, fever, cold and/or symptoms of a flu
• Low count of red blood cells, signs: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeats, difficulty in concentrating, light headedness and/or pale skin
• Blood clot in lungs, signs: rapid breathing, wheezing, bloody coughs and/or pain in chest
• Getting easily bruised and/or red or purple spots under the skin
• Swelled gums, difficulty in swallowing and/or blisters in mouth
• Unusual bleeding from the mouth, vagina, rectum or nose

Some of the more common side effects include:

• Bleeding from the nose
• Weakness and/or tiredness
• Hair loss (temporary) and/or dry skin
• Nausea and/or vomiting
• Diarrhea and/or loss of appetite
• Abnormality in tests for liver functions
• Cold, signs: sneezing, sore throat and/or stuffy nose
• Burning sensation or pain in feet, legs, hands or arms

Palbociclib / Ibrance Dosage

Palbociclib / Brand Ibrance medication is generally available in the following doses:

• Brand Ibrance/ Palpbace 75 mg Capsules
• Brand Ibrance/ Palpbace 100 mg Capsules
• Brand Ibrance/ Palpbace 125 mg Capsules

Palbociclib / Ibrance cost information

The information provided on the page is meant for the purpose of being helpful and educational. It should not be considered as medical advice.
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