Nilotinib Tasigna new Treatment For Alzheimers

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Nilotinib Tasigna new Treatment For Alzheimers

What Do you mean by Alzheimer's Disease?
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that destroys the nerve connections in the brain and further slowly destroys memory and thinking skills; makes difficult to do regular things like eating, and walking.
• In short Alzheimer's can cause memory loss and can affect the cognitive abilities, this disease is not as normal as someone thinks and it mostly affects the people who are above 65 years.
• Alzheimer's become worse with time. Dementia symptoms become worse gradually over the years. In the early stages, memory loss is mild, but with late-stage Alzheimer's, individuals face problem in having a conversation with others and face difficulties to cope with the environment. Alzheimer's in the USA is the 6th leading cause of death of an individual.
• A person suffering from this disease has around 4-8 years of life expectancy after he has been diagnosed.

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Symptoms of Alzheimer's:
1. Having difficulty in remembering new information that was gathered in the brain
2. Having a hard time to recognize that they are facing a problem.
3. If the condition becomes worse, an individual may experience a sudden change in behaviour (which will be noticed more by family members and friend) and change in mood.
4. An individual may have difficulty in walking, in breathing and swallowing the food.

Nilotinib–Tasigna role for countering Alzheimer's disease:
It is used for the treatment of people suffering from mild to moderate Alzheimer's. a A person should take it orally according to the prescription given by the doctor. A person should have a stable medical condition for three months before the screening before taking the medicine.
Nilotinib was earlier given to cancer patients but now it was found safe to be given to Alzheimer's patients in the trial that was conducted in Georgetown University Medical Center.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Nilotinib for the treatment of leukaemia. But, the research that was done to counter Alzheimer's disease using it was directed by Charles Moussa. It was tested on 37 people who were suffering from mild dementia and then they were placed for a 12-month study procedure. It is interesting to know that during the study, neither the doctors nor the patients knew about the drug-class.
During the study, it was noticed that the drug was very safe it was tolerated by all the patients, although some mood swings were noticed at the high dose. Between 6-12 months, the mood swings increased significantly, after the doctors increased the dose from 150 to 300mg per day. But no deaths were reported during the frame of time.

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Ongoing research to uncover many aspects regarding Alzheimer's:
Researchers are working day and night to find a drug that will cure Alzheimer's. Scientists have found out how this disease affects the brain and its functions as well. The hope is better, that they will soon find out a drug that can cure the condition. They have found that a genetic mutation may be a cause of Alzheimer's in severe conditions. Lifestyle and environmental factors are mainly the cause, it differs from person to person.

How is Alzheimer's treated?
Alzheimer's like other disease is complex and any one drug cannot treat it. Currently, if a person is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, doctors put more focus on the proper functioning of patient's mind, they manage their behavioural changes, and their major focus is to slow down some problems like memory loss. At last, if a person is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, his/her family should support them by providing them with some good coping skills, more friends around them and respite care should be given to them to make them feel lighter.

Reference for this article is taken from:

The information provided on the page is meant for the purpose of being helpful and educational. It should not be considered as medical advice.

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